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Batman the Animated Series Episode 1 Watchcartoononline

Batman the Animated Series Episode 1 Watchcartoononline

Batman: The Animated Series

The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.

Batman: The Animated Series
  • HD
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  • On Leather Wings

    A mysterious bat-like beast terrorises Gotham City, causing the police forcefulness to pursue Batman. The Dark Knight must find the real perpetrator to articulate his proper noun.

    EPISODE ane • 23m

    S1 E1 - On Leather Wings

  • Christmas With the Joker

    After escaping Arkham Asylum on Christmas Eve, the Joker takes over Gotham'south airwaves and terrorises the city. He challenges Batman and Robin to find his subconscious Boob tube studio and costless his hostages before midnight.

    EPISODE 2 • 23m

    S1 E2 - Christmas With the Joker

  • Naught to Fear

    Batman encounters the Scarecrow and attempts to foil his scheme to burn down down Gotham University, only in the procedure is exposed to the Scarecrow'south fear gas, and is forced to face his ain guilt over the decease of his parents.

    EPISODE iii • 23m

    S1 E3 - Nothing to Fear

  • The Last Laugh

    The Joker covers Gotham City in a cloud of laughing gas and begins plundering the crazed city. After Alfred is infected, Batman has added incentive to finish the Joker and larn an antidote from him before all of Gotham dies with a smile.

    EPISODE 4 • 23m

    S1 E4 - The Last Laugh

  • Pretty Poisonous substance

    When District Chaser Harvey Paring collapses after a meal with his fiancée Pamela Isley and friend Bruce Wayne, doctors discover that he has been poisoned. Batman must find the culprit and the antidote before the DA's time runs out.

    EPISODE 5 • 23m

    S1 E5 - Pretty Poison

  • The Underdwellers

    Batman traces a series of bizarre robberies on the streets of Gotham back to a band of homeless children, who have been raised to practise the bidding of their principal, the Sewer Male monarch.

    EPISODE 6 • 23m

    S1 E6 - The Underdwellers

  • P.O.5.

    A botched police force operation results in the interruption of those involved: Officer Wilkes, Officeholder Montoya, and Detective Bullock. Confronted past their superiors, each of them is forced to tell their tale of what happened that night.

    EPISODE 7 • 23m

    S1 E7 - P.O.V.

  • The Forgotten

    Bruce Wayne is kidnapped and imprisoned in a chain gang mining camp, suffering from amnesia. Alfred must thus track him downwards, help him escape, and free the remainder of the prisoners.

    EPISODE 8 • 23m

    S1 E8 - The Forgotten

  • Exist a Clown

    Mayor Hamilton Hill's son, Jordan, is distressing when his father uses his birthday political party equally a political gathering rather than a celebration, and stows away in the truck of the party clown hired for the party, whom is actually the Joker in disguise.

    EPISODE 9 • 23m

    S1 E9 - Be a Clown

  • 2-Face: Office 1

    Rupert Thorne attempts to use Paring's split personality to blackmail him. Paring meets with Thorne at a chemical plant, "Big Bad Harv" takes over, and the confrontation leads to an explosion that horribly scars one-half of Paring's confront and his entire body.

    EPISODE 10 • 23m

    S1 E10 - Two-Face: Part 1

  • Ii-Face up: Role 2

    Harvey Dent, now calling himself 2-Confront, resurfaces and starts robbing Rupert Thorne's illegal businesses, preparing for a last confrontation with the crime boss, and Batman must stop his former friend before he and Thorne kill each other.

    EPISODE 11 • 23m

    S1 E11 - Two-Face: Part 2

  • Information technology's Never Too Late

    A mob war between crime bosses Rupert Thorne and Arnold Stromwell is nearing its end, and comes to a climax when Stromwell is set to exist killed in an exploding restaurant past Thorne.

    EPISODE 12 • 23m

    S1 E12 - It's Never Too Late

  • I've Got Batman in My Basement

    During a fight with Batman over a stolen Faberge egg, the Penguin incapacitates Batman with poison gas.

    EPISODE 13 • 23m

    S1 E13 - I've Got Batman in My Basement

  • Heart of Ice

    Bitter scientist Victor Fries, as Mr. Freeze, attacks several divisions of GothCorp, each time stealing a slice for a hugger-mugger weapon he intends to build.

    EPISODE 14 • 23m

    S1 E14 - Heart of Ice

  • The True cat and the Claw: Role one

    Batman encounters a new true cat burglar calling herself Catwoman, and around the aforementioned fourth dimension, meets a woman named Selina Kyle, to whom he is visibly attracted to.

    EPISODE 15 • 23m

    S1 E15 - The Cat and the Claw: Part 1

  • The Cat and the Claw: Part 2

    The leader of the Reddish Claw group attacks a military train and steals a viral plague, which she intends to release in Gotham if she isn't paid a ransom. Batman and Catwoman must work together to finish Carmine Claw before information technology is too late.

    EPISODE 16 • 23m

    S1 E16 - The Cat and the Claw: Part 2

  • Run across No Evil

    Lloyd "Eddie" Ventrix is on the verge of losing his daughter, Kimberly, to his ex-wife, Helen, due to his past every bit a con artist. Ventrix dons a suit which grants the user invisibility but also becomes highly toxic and drives him insane.

    EPISODE 17 • 23m

    S1 E17 - See No Evil

  • Beware the Gray Ghost

    Simon Trent, an histrion best known for his past role every bit "The Greyness Ghost", is on the verge of defalcation. To save himself, he sells off all of his Grayness Ghost merchandise. Immediately afterwards, bombings related to the former show begin to occur.

    EPISODE 18 • 23m

    S1 E18 - Beware the Gray Ghost

  • Prophecy of Doom

    Batman investigates a cult, called the Brotherhood, founded past the "mystic" Nostromos, afterward hearing well-nigh a number of stories from his colleagues about his ability to predict the future.

    EPISODE 19 • 23m

    S1 E19 - Prophecy of Doom

  • Feat of Dirt: Role i

    Bruce Wayne is framed for the attempted murder of Lucius Pull a fast one on. The existent perpetrator is Matt Hagen, who was disfigured in a car accident. He works for Roland Daggett, who provides him with a cream that can temporarily reshape his face back to normal.

    EPISODE 20 • 22m

    S1 E20 - Feat of Clay: Part 1

  • Feat of Clay: Role 2

    Bruce Wayne is released from prison. The cream formula entered Hagen's body and soaked every single one of his cells, turning him into a shape-shifting mutant. Hagen, now calling himself Clayface, decides to take his revenge on Daggett.

    EPISODE 21 • 22m

    S1 E21 - Feat of Clay: Part 2

  • Joker'due south Favour

    After Charlie Collins curses at the Joker on the road for offensive driving, the Clown Prince of Crime asks for a "small favour": to sneak a bomb into the Peregrinator's Club, where Commissioner Gordon is to requite a speech.

    EPISODE 22 • 23m

    S1 E22 - Joker's Favour

  • Vendetta

    Detective Bullock is arrested for kidnapping. Batman, who dislikes Bullock but believes him to exist a good human, investigates, and discovers the identity of the real criminal: Killer Croc, who harbours a vendetta confronting Bullock for capturing him one time.

    EPISODE 23 • 23m

    S1 E23 - Vendetta

  • Fear of Victory

    The Scarecrow invents a fright chemical that is activated by adrenaline and uses it to affect the outcome of athletic events. The Scarecrow bets confronting the sports stars' teams as part of his criminal scheme to scare up some quick cash.

    EPISODE 24 • 23m

    S1 E24 - Fear of Victory

  • The Clock Rex

    After his visitor goes bankrupt, Temple Fugate becomes the Clock Male monarch. Fugate sets out to seek his revenge confronting the man whom he blames for his misfortunes: Mayor Hamilton Colina.

    EPISODE 25 • 23m

    S1 E25 - The Clock King

  • Date in Criminal offense Alley

    With the help of arsonists, Roland Daggett plans to destroy Criminal offence Aisle and use the land to expand his business empire.

    EPISODE 26 • 23m

    S1 E26 - Appointment in Crime Alley

  • Mad equally a Hatter

    Wayne Industries scientist Jervis Tetch is unable to pursue the girl he loves, Alice the secretarial assistant. Tetch dons the mantle of the Mad Hatter, using his mind-control devices to strength those who take wronged him to become his mindless slaves.

    EPISODE 27 • 23m

    S1 E27 - Mad as a Hatter

  • Dreams in Darkness

    Batman is incarcerated in Arkham Aviary. Scarecrow is planning to poison Gotham's h2o supply with the fright-inducing gas, and Batman must bring himself to break the law and escape earlier the Scarecrow brings Gotham to its knees.

    EPISODE 28 • 23m

    S1 E28 - Dreams in Darkness

  • Eternal Youth

    Several rich industrialists are invited to the Eternal Youth Health Spa, and that'due south where they are final seen earlier disappearing. The only connexion: they had something to do with the death of plants.

    EPISODE 29 • 23m

    S1 E29 - Eternal Youth

  • Possibly to Dream

    Bruce Wayne wakes up i forenoon to detect that his life is completely upside-down: his parents are live, the Batcave does not be, Alfred does not remember Robin, and he is engaged to Selina Kyle.

    EPISODE xxx • 23m

    S1 E30 - Perchance to Dream

  • The Greatcoat and Cowl Conspiracy

    Baron Jozek, furious at Batman for humiliating him at a dinner party, hires Josiah Wormwood, a master in setting traps for his victims, to hunt down Batman and bring back the hero's cape and cowl.

    EPISODE 31 • 23m

    S1 E31 - The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy

  • Robin'south Reckoning: Function i

    During a fight with some gangsters at a construction yard, Batman and Robin learn the name of their dominate: Baton Marin. Afterward a falling out at the Batcave, Batman doesn't allow Robin to back-trail him on the search for Marin.

    EPISODE 32 • 23m

    S1 E32 - Robin's Reckoning: Part 1

  • Robin's Reckoning: Part two

    Robin sets out to find Tony Zucco on his own, all the while plagued by the memories of his parents' decease and how Bruce took him in. Batman finds Zucco just breaks his leg during the fight. Robin arrives and prepares to kill Zucco in revenge.

    EPISODE 33 • 23m

    S1 E33 - Robin's Reckoning: Part 2

  • The Laughing Fish

    Joker creates a toxin that affects but fish, mutating them into Joker fish. The Joker captures Harvey Bullock, and Batman must rescue him and foil the Clown Prince of Crime's insane scheme.

    EPISODE 34 • 23m

    S1 E34 - The Laughing Fish

  • Night of the Ninja

    A mysterious ninja is robbing Wayne Enterprises subsidiaries, and Batman discovers that the ninja is actually his equal in combat. A grudge confronting Bruce Wayne and skills to match can but mean it's Kyodai Ken, an onetime rival of Wayne's teacher.

    EPISODE 35 • 23m

    S1 E35 - Night of the Ninja

  • Cat Scratch Fever

    Batman must stop Roland Daggett's program to release a plague into Gotham by way of its stray cat population. The instance gains new urgency when Catwoman becomes infected with the virus during her search for her missing cat, Isis.

    EPISODE 36 • 23m

    S1 E36 - Cat Scratch Fever

  • The Foreign Hush-hush of Bruce Wayne

    Dr. Hugo Foreign has invented a machine that extracts people's darkest secrets from their minds and transfers them to videotape — he has proof of Bruce'south cloak-and-dagger identity equally Batman, and plans to sale it to three of Gotham'south prominent crime bosses.

    EPISODE 37 • 23m

    S1 E37 - The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne

  • Middle of Steel: Part i

    Several robberies take place at major companies, including Wayne Enterprises, and Bruce Wayne, as Batman, discovers the thief to be a mechanical briefcase. Bruce meets with his one-time friend, Karl Rossum, an expert in robotics to help.

    EPISODE 38 • 23m

    S1 E38 - Heart of Steel: Part 1

  • Heart of Steel: Part ii

    A fight between Batman and Detective Bullock reveals him to actually be an android, meaning that the real Bullock and James Gordon have gone missing, and Batman knows who the culprit is: H.A.R.D.A.C.

    EPISODE 39 • 23m

    S1 E39 - Heart of Steel: Part 2

  • If Y'all're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?

    Edward Nygma creates the video game The Riddle of the Minotaur for the company Competitron, just is fired by his superior Daniel Mockridge, who wants the profits for himself. Nygma vows revenge, and takes upwards the drapery of the Riddler 2 years afterward.

    EPISODE 40 • 22m

    S1 E40 - If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?

  • Joker's Wild

    Cameron Kaiser builds a casino hotel modeled after the Joker, called "The Joker'due south Wild". The Joker sees this on the news and, enraged, escapes from Arkham again, with one thought on his mind: destroying the casino.

    EPISODE 41 • 23m

    S1 E41 - Joker's Wild

  • Tyger Tyger

    Selina Kyle is kidnapped by the villainous genetic engineer Dr. Emile Dorian and becomes his latest experiment to provide his man-cat hybrid named Tygrus with a mate. Batman learns of this and comes to the island to rescue Selina.

    EPISODE 42 • 23m

    S1 E42 - Tyger Tyger

  • Moon of the Wolf

    Batman investigates the appearance of a werewolf-like creature in Gotham, not realising that the monster happens to exist i of Bruce Wayne's assembly — Anthony Romulus, ex-Olympic champion. Behind the scheme is twisted pharmacist Professor Milo.

    EPISODE 43 • 22m

    S1 E43 - Moon of the Wolf

  • Day of the Samurai

    Kyodai Ken kidnaps Kairi Tanaga, star educatee of Yoru Sensei, the martial arts teacher who taught both Kyodai and Bruce. The ninja'southward ransom for her is a curlicue that teaches the location of the fabled Decease Touch.

    EPISODE 44 • 23m

    S1 E44 - Day of the Samurai

  • Terror in the Sky

    When a giant-sized bat ransacks Gotham harbor, Batman suspects that Dr. Kirk Langstrom is up to his erstwhile tricks, taking the Man-Bat formula again.

    EPISODE 45 • 22m

    S1 E45 - Terror in the Sky

  • Nigh Got 'Im

    The Joker, Killer Croc, the Penguin, Two-Face, and Poisonous substance Ivy all meet at a poker table, each telling a tale of times when they almost defeated Batman. Harley Quinn is about to kill Catwoman afterwards she rescued Batman, and Batman must save her.

    EPISODE 46 • 23m

    S1 E46 - Almost Got 'Im

  • Birds of a Feather

    Veronica Vreeland is looking for a way to create a splash with her next party, and arrives at the idea of having a former criminal in attendance. The Penguin, who has recently reformed, fits the bill perfectly.

    EPISODE 47 • 23m

    S1 E47 - Birds of a Feather

  • What is Reality?

    Seeking to show once and for all that his is the superior mind, the Riddler lures Batman into a riddle-solving competition inside the virtual reality of a computer game in society to salve Commissioner Gordon's life.

    EPISODE 48 • 23m

    S1 E48 - What is Reality?

  • I Am the Night

    On the ceremony of the expiry of Bruce's parents, Batman accompanies Leslie Thompkins to place roses on the spot where they were killed. Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon is on stakeout to arrest Jimmy "The Jazzman" Peake during a drug smuggling ring.

    EPISODE 49 • 23m

    S1 E49 - I Am the Night

  • Off Residual

    Batman encounters Talia, daughter of the head of the Society of Shadows. After his identity is accidentally revealed to Talia, Batman remains off-residue as to where her true loyalties prevarication.

    EPISODE 50 • 23m

    S1 E50 - Off Balance

  • The Human Who Killed Batman

    When small-fourth dimension gang member Sidney "The Squid" Debris seemingly kills Batman by accident, he gets involved with gangs all over Gotham, as well equally the Joker and Rupert Thorne, none of whom believe his story.

    EPISODE 51 • 23m

    S1 E51 - The Man Who Killed Batman

  • Mudslide

    Clayface is falling apart, literally - his clay-like body is disintegrating. Fortunately, a scientist he knew from his movie star days is working on a remedy. Hagen is forced to steal money to pay for the expensive components of the remedy.

    EPISODE 52 • 23m

    S1 E52 - Mudslide

  • Paging the Crime Doctor

    Dr. Matthew Thorne lost his medical license and is forced into performing a frail surgery on older blood brother, offense boss Rupert Thorne. He kidnaps Dr. Leslie Thompkins to assist. Batman discovers Leslie's disappearance, and rushes to track her downwards.

    EPISODE 53 • 23m

    S1 E53 - Paging the Crime Doctor

  • Zatanna

    When the glamourous magician Zatanna is framed for a robbery during her act, Batman swings to her defence.

    EPISODE 54 • 23m

    S1 E54 - Zatanna

  • The Mechanic

    Thank you to a freak accident during a loftier-speed chase, the Batmobile is virtually demolished. After Batman takes the machine to his personal mechanic, Earl Cooper, the Penguin makes his move and tampers with the Batmobile, putting it under his command.

    EPISODE 55 • 23m

    S1 E55 - The Mechanic

  • Harley and Ivy

    When the Joker fires Harley for her incompetence, she tries going on a crime spree of her own, joining up with Poison Ivy, and the two become Gotham'due south Queens of Crime, much to the Joker'south fury.

    EPISODE 56 • 23m

    S1 E56 - Harley and Ivy

  • Shadow of the Bat: Part 1

    Commissioner Gordon is framed for taking bribes from Rupert Thorne. His girl Barbara pleads with Batman to prove up at a rally. Batman disappears later on finding the person behind the frame-up, so Barbara takes the police into her own hands equally Batgirl.

    EPISODE 57 • 23m

    S1 E57 - Shadow of the Bat: Part 1

  • Shadow of the Bat: Function 2

    Robin discovers that Gil Stonemason is in league with the underworld. He encounters Batgirl, and go their separate ways to stop Mason. They come across over again and learn that Gil is working with Two-Confront to take out Gordon, and have Batman captured.

    EPISODE 58 • 23m

    S1 E58 - Shadow of the Bat: Part 2

  • Blind as a Bat

    The Penguin steals an experimental helicopter from an air show, causing an explosion that temporarily blinds Bruce Wayne. Batman must find a fashion to track down the Penguin without the utilise of his eyes.

    EPISODE 59 • 23m

    S1 E59 - Blind as a Bat

  • The Demon's Quest: Office 1

    When Robin is abducted, Batman begins a search… and runs into Ra's al Ghul. Ra's reveals that his girl, Talia, has been abducted, suggesting that the same people are responsible. And so begins an uneasy truce between Batman and 'The Demon'.

    EPISODE threescore • 23m

    S1 E60 - The Demon's Quest: Part 1

  • The Demon's Quest: Function 2

    Clues lead Batman and Robin to Ra's satellite 'Orpheus'. Batman learns that the satellite is a weapon which volition explosively destroy all the Lazarus Pits simultaneously throughout the world, destroying all the life that exists.

    EPISODE 61 • 22m

    S1 E61 - The Demon's Quest: Part 2

  • His Silicon Soul

    When a Batman impersonator appears in Gotham City, the existent Batman deduces that Karl Rossum is somehow involved and confronts him. The other Batman, a duplicate, then shows up and a boxing betwixt the ii takes identify.

    EPISODE 62 • 23m

    S1 E62 - His Silicon Soul

  • Fire From Olympus

    Believing himself to be the reincarnation of Zeus, Maxie Zeus steals an experimental weapon that the government developed. The mad human desires to use the weapon confronting the people of Gotham City and Batman must end him.

    EPISODE 63 • 23m

    S1 E63 - Fire From Olympus

  • Read My Lips

    A brand-new gang has fabricated its debut committing the slickest crimes ever, thanks to the gang leader, Scarface. It's up to Batman to cease Scarface and his "dummy", the Ventriloquist.

    EPISODE 64 • 23m

    S1 E64 - Read My Lips

  • The Worry Men

    Veronica Vreeland returns from Central America, bringing tiny handmade dolls for all her friends. Unknown to Veronica or her guests, the dolls were made by the Mad Hatter, and contain a microchip which establish hypnotic suggestions inside their brains.

    EPISODE 65 • 23m

    S1 E65 - The Worry Men


  1. Kevin Conroy

  2. Efrem Zimbalist Jr

  3. Bob Hastings

  4. Robert Costanzo

  5. Loren Lester

  6. Marker Hamill

Batman the Animated Series Episode 1 Watchcartoononline




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